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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Returning to grassy areas...

It's been a while...I know.  Sorry blog-readers!

I have been doing quite a bit of jet-setting since the summer, and am now settled back on the east coast for the holidays.  While I have much to write about regarding those travels, there's a question that plagues my mind that I want to address with you.  It is this:

"Who was the second gunman on the grassy knoll?"

Okay, not really.  But, I do have a question about grassy areas.

Among the travels, I got a sweet copy of the New Testament called "The Voice" at Catalyst (, and it has been like reading the Bible for the very first time.  I have been going through the book of John, and I was reading in chapter 6.  In the chronology of events according to this book, Jesus has just performed a miracle where he feeds 5,000 people on this grassy knoll, then (at night) he walks on water to his disciples as they leave to Capernaum.

As Jesus and His disciples arrive in Capernaum,
"Other boats were arriving from Tiberais near the grassy area where the Lord offered thanks and passed out bread.  When this crowd could not find Him or His disciples, they boarded their small boats and crossed the sea to Capernaum looking for him.  When they found Jesus across the sea, they questioned Him.

Crowd: Teacher, when did you arrive at Capernaum?

Jesus: I tell you the truth--you are tracking Me down because I fed you, not because you saw signs from God." 
(John 6:23-26; The Voice)

Talk about calling someone out!  I don't know if this hits you the same way it hits me--but I was extremely convicted by these verses.  How many times have I tried to show up again and again to familiar "grassy areas" where I was fed once by Christ, and finding that He has moved on?

How many times have I tried to do the same thing I've always done, expecting God to work in my framework?  How many times have I shown up to the grassy area, and then got upset because I thought "Well, God's just not there anymore."?

Right, because He's moved on and I've refused to move with Him.

We've traded everlasting Bread for mere crouton crumbs and discarded fish bones.  Instead of showing up to old familiar places I expect, perhaps God wants me to come with Him to Capernaum.   (And, it seems he doesn't want me to come so I can get "fed"...but He wants me to come and participate with Him this time in the feeding--the signs from God.)

Jesus goes on to say
"Don't spend your life chasing food that spoils and rots.  Instead, seek the food that lasts into all the ages and comes from the Son of Man., the One on whom God the Father has placed His seal.

Crowd: What do we have to do to accomplish the Father's works?

Jesus: "If you want to do God's work, then believe in the One He sent."
(John 6:27-29, The Voice)

I don't want to stay on the grassy knoll looking for leftovers, when a banquet feast of the Bridegroom awaits.  Do you?

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